
She | They | It [Female]

Adult| Feb. 29th


Card |Hydris (Fake)
Puppet [Fragment of a Star]

A prototype made from an unblessed fragmented star.

Hates everything and everyone, especially the moon that brought her back.

Alyssum (Day)

Made before Aurum and Cerebrum were even a thing, but she ran away before ever knowing their existence.

She lives her life outside in Everton, without knowing one day she'll be captured again and forced to their loyalty.

All she talks about is how much she hates things. 

Her card allows her to control blood, but being a prototype for everything, her card is extremely fragile and on the verge of breaking.

A vengeful spirit Alyssum is, only remembering who she truly is under the night sky.

During the day she is considered someone more...peaceful...and does not know of her past under the sun's rays.

Some may guess the view of the moon and the lack of stars in the skies is the only time she able to know what she is.



Materials: alyssums and dirt, moths as binding element.