Father of The Moon

Vexation | The Father | The Moon | Moth

It | He [??]

155.5 billion years (Adult) | Dec. 31stMoon [Weaver]

"The very first thing to wake up in the universe, the moon."

The Mother Goddess wasn't the first celestial to wake up ever since the universe came to life.

There came along her partner, the Father God. 

The two traveled the universe together, seeking a place to call home.

She was the sun, and he was the moon.

They traveled and tamed the planets, who only caused chaos across the worlds.

Serenity offered new life, and Vexation offered new power.

The snake of the planets agreed, only after the youngest was torn down.

The planets remembered this moment but, the youngest didn't as she was too young.

They made the sky with the dust of the past moon before Vexation arrived.

The Aether.

There came a time where they discovered Eden, a mirror. A world that reflects those around it.

The mother wanted control of it. The father wanted to leave it be.

This disagreement caused a stir as Serenity wanted it for its resources and Vexation wanted nothing to do with it as it offered nothing, the lives of mortals shall not be tampered with as they live on the land, and they live in the skies.

Serenity attempted to go with her plan to shatter and use the world only to be interrupted by her lover.

The effects of this caused a full war between the two, one fighting for mortality and the other for power.

She always loved him for his passion for the mortals, as they lived short lives with not enough time for goals.

The Mother started her project, to create as many weapons as possible she can out of the stars.

They were harvested and used for power in a war. The North Star, in a time before way before it could open its eyes, had pieces of it taken out of it to forge weapons by the angel of work and debt to use to kill immortals due to the specific properties the star had which details remain lost in time.

The weapons were nicknamed butterflies. Vexation had to come up with a plan against them. 

Vexation managed to take down a butterfly and used its blood to make his own versions of the weapons, nicknamed flowers. The weapons were mortal at heart but, could manage to even out the fight. Time passed with the war raging on. It ended with a battle between Vexation against Serenity herself, sealing away the father with a sword made of a star. Karma, she called it.

With the sword the mother cut the sky and out of it came The Nether and sealed away the power of the moon, reducing to him to a moth. Using the remains, she gave the angels the power to bless the stars and make them start a new life instead living as puppets. The mother hid away any mentions of the war and the true purpose from the stars.

When the north star woke up, moth saw an opportunity for revenge.